Get New 2023 Valid Practice Salesforce Developer JavaScript-Developer-I Q&A – Testing Engine [Q61-Q83]

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Get New 2023 Valid Practice Salesforce Developer JavaScript-Developer-I Q&A – Testing Engine

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Q61. Consider type coercion, what does the following expression evaluate to?
True + 3 + ‘100’ + null


Q62. Refer to the code below:
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fraction = Math.random();
if( fraction >0.5) reject(“fraction > 0.5, ” + fraction);
.then(() =>console.log(“resolved”))
.catch((error) => console.error(error))
.finally(() => console.log(” when am I called?”));

When does Promise.finally on line 08 get called?


Q63. A developer is wondering whether to use, Promise.then or Promise.catch, especially when a Promise throws an error?
Which two promises are rejected?
Which 2 are correct?


Q64. Given the requirement to refactor the code above to JavaScript class format, which class definition is correct?


Q65. Refer to the code below:

Which value can a developer expect when referencing country,capital,cityString?


Q66. Universal Containers recently launched its new landing page to host a crowd-funding campaign. The page uses an external library to display some third-party ads. Once the page is fully loaded, it creates more than 50 new HTML items placed randomly inside the DOM, like the one in the code below:

All the elements includes the same ad-library-item class, They are hidden by default, and they are randomly displayed while the user navigates through the page.


Q67. Refer to the following code that performs a basis mathematical operation on a provided input:

How should line o2 be written to ensure that x evaluated to 6 in the line below?
Let x calculate (”g”);


Q68. A developer needs to test this function:
01 const sum3 = (arr) => (
02 if (!arr.length) return 0,
03 if (arr.length === 1) return arr[0],
04 if (arr.length === 2) return arr[0] + arr[1],
05 return arr[0] + arr[1] + arr[2],
06 );
Which two assert statements are valid tests for the function?
Choose 2 answers


Q69. Which two console logs output NaN?
Choose 2 answers | |


Q70. Refer to the following code:

What is the value of output on line 11?


Q71. A developer creates a generic function to log custom messages in the console. To do this, the function below is implemented.
01 function logStatus(status){
02 console./*Answer goes here*/{‘Item status is: %s’, status};
03 }
Which three console logging methods allow the use of string substitution in line 02?


Q72. A developer wants to literate through an array of objects and count the objects whose property value, name, start with the letter N. const arrobj – [{”name ”t ”Zach”}, { ”name t Kate”) , ( ”name Alice”) < ( ”name” t ”Bob”) , (”name” t ”Nathan) , (”name” t ”Nathandle1”)] Refer to the code snippet below:

Which missing lines 02 and 03 return the correct count?


Q73. Which three options show valid methods for creating a fat arrow function? Choose 3 answers


Q74. A developer uses a parsed JSON string to work with user information as in the block below:
01 const userInformation ={
02 ” id ” : “user-01”,
03 “email” : “[email protected]”,
04 “age” : 25
Which two options access the email attribute in the object?
Choose 2 answers


Q75. Refer to code below:
Let a =’a’;
Let b;
// b = a;
What is displayed when the code executes?


Q76. A developer has a server running with Node.js. the command to start the web server is node server.js. the server started having latency issues. Instead of a one second turnaround for web requests, the developer now sees a five second turnaround.
Which command can the web developer run to see what the module is doing during the latency period?


Q77. Refer to the code below:

After running this code, which result is displayed on the console?


Q78. A developer initiates a server with the file server,js and adds dependencies in the source codes package,json that are required to run the server.
Which command should the developer run to start the server locally?


Q79. developer has a web server running with Node.js. The command to start the web
server is node server,js. The web server started having latency issues. Instead of a one second
turn around for web requests, the developer now sees a five second turnaround,
Which command can the web developer run to see what the module is doing during the
latency period?


Q80. Refer to the code below:
01 const exec = (item, delay) =>{
02 new Promise(resolve => setTimeout( () => resolve(item), delay)),
03 async function runParallel() {
04 Const (result1, result2, result3) = await Promise.all{
05 [exec (‘x’, ‘100’) , exec(‘y’, 500), exec(‘z’, ‘100’)]
06 );
07 return `parallel is done: $(result1) $(result2)$(result3)`;
08 }
Which two statements correctly execute the runParallel () function?
Choose 2 answers


Q81. Refer to the code below:

What is the value of result when the code executes?


Q82. Refer to the code below:

What is the value result after line 10 executes?


Q83. Given code below:
setTimeout (() => (
). 0);
New Promise ((resolve, reject )) = > (
setTimeout(() => (
). 1000);
)).catch(() => (
What is logged to the console?


JavaScript-Developer-I Braindumps Real Exam Updated on Oct 27, 2023 with 225 Questions:

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