Practice Examples and Dumps & Tips for 2024 Latest CIPP-C Valid Tests Dumps [Q28-Q50]

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Practice Examples and Dumps & Tips for 2024 Latest CIPP-C Valid Tests Dumps

Latest [Jul 03, 2024] 100% Passing Guarantee – Brilliant CIPP-C Exam Questions PDF

The CIPP/C certification exam covers a range of topics related to Canadian privacy law, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), provincial privacy laws, and the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). CIPP-C exam also covers broader privacy concepts, such as privacy risk management, privacy program governance, and privacy ethics.


Q28. Which GDPR requirement will present the most significant challenges for organizations with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs?


Q29. According to the GDPR, how is pseudonymous personal data defined?


Q30. Which organization was the primary influence in the development of Canadian privacy with their publication of a set of eight privacy principles?


Q31. Within what time period must a commercial message sender remove a recipient’s address once they have asked to stop receiving future e-mail?


Q32. Which of the following does Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibit an employer from asking a job applicant?


Q33. What is the main purpose of the CAN-SPAM Act?


Q34. Which question is NOT part of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s (OPC’s) four-point test for establishing whether providing access to genetic testing results goes beyond what is necessary or reasonable?


Q35. Which statement is TRUE regarding health information privacy laws in Canada?


Q36. Smith Memorial Healthcare (SMH) is a hospital network headquartered in New York and operating in 7 other states. SMH uses an electronic medical record to enter and track information about its patients. Recently, SMH suffered a data breach where a third-party hacker was able to gain access to the SMH internal network.
Because it is a HIPPA-covered entity, SMH made a notification to the Office of Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services about the breach.
Which statement accurately describes SMH’s notification responsibilities?


Q37. Which law provides employee benefits, but often mandates the collection of medical information?


Q38. Under PIPEDA, each of the following situations requires an organization to obtain express consent to use personal information EXCEPT?


Q39. What is the main reason a country might adopt an “ombudsman” model of privacy oversight?


Q40. Work-product information is generally thought of as information about an individual that?


Q41. Which act also includes references to the Privacy Act?


Q42. After leaving the EU under the terms of Brexit, the United Kingdom will seek an adequacy determination.
What is the reason for this?


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:
Cheryl is the sole owner of Fitness Coach, Inc., a medium-sized company that helps individuals realize their physical fitness goals through classes, individual instruction, and access to an extensive indoor gym. She has owned the company for ten years and has always been concerned about protecting customer’s privacy while maintaining the highest level of service. She is proud that she has built long-lasting customer relationships.
Although Cheryl and her staff have tried to make privacy protection a priority, the company has no formal privacy policy. So Cheryl hired Janice, a privacy professional, to help her develop one.
After an initial assessment, Janice created a first of a new policy. Cheryl read through the draft and was concerned about the many changes the policy would bring throughout the company. For example, the draft policy stipulates that a customer’s personal information can only be held for one year after paying for a service such as a session with personal trainer. It also promises that customer information will not be shared with third parties without the written consent of the customer. The wording of these rules worry Cheryl since stored personal information often helps her company to serve her customers, even if there are long pauses between their visits. In addition, there are some third parties that provide crucial services, such as aerobics instructors who teach classes on a contract basis. Having access to customer files and understanding the fitness levels of their students helps instructors to organize their classes.
Janice understood Cheryl’s concerns and was already formulating some ideas for revision. She tried to put Cheryl at ease by pointing out that customer data can still be kept, but that it should be classified according to levels of sensitivity. However, Cheryl was skeptical. It seemed that classifying data and treating each type differently would cause undue difficulties in the company’s day-to-day operations. Cheryl wants one simple data storage and access system that any employee can access if needed.
Even though the privacy policy was only a draft, she was beginning to see that changes within her company were going to be necessary. She told Janice that she would be more comfortable with implementing the new policy gradually over a period of several months, one department at a time. She was also interested in a layered approach by creating documents listing applicable parts of the new policy for each department.
What is the best reason for Cheryl to follow Janice’s suggestion about classifying customer data?


Q44. What obligation does a data controller or processor have after appointing a data protection officer?


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:
Declan has just started a job as a nursing assistant in a radiology department at Woodland Hospital. He has also started a program to become a registered nurse.
Before taking this career path, Declan was vaguely familiar with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). He now knows that he must help ensure the security of his patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI). Therefore, he is thinking carefully about privacy issues.
On the morning of his first day, Declan noticed that the newly hired receptionist handed each patient a HIPAA privacy notice. He wondered if it was necessary to give these privacy notices to returning patients, and if the radiology department could reduce paper waste through a system of one-time distribution.
He was also curious about the hospital’s use of a billing company. He Questioned whether the hospital was doing all it could to protect the privacy of its patients if the billing company had details about patients’ care.
On his first day Declan became familiar with all areas of the hospital’s large radiology department. As he was organizing equipment left in the halfway, he overheard a conversation between two hospital administrators. He was surprised to hear that a portable hard drive containing non-encrypted patient information was missing. The administrators expressed relief that the hospital would be able to avoid liability. Declan was surprised, and wondered whether the hospital had plans to properly report what had happened.
Despite Declan’s concern about this issue, he was amazed by the hospital’s effort to integrate Electronic Health Records (EHRs) into the everyday care of patients. He thought about the potential for streamlining care even more if they were accessible to all medical facilities nationwide.
Declan had many positive interactions with patients. At the end of his first day, he spoke to one patient, John, whose father had just been diagnosed with a degenerative muscular disease. John was about to get blood work done, and he feared that the blood work could reveal a genetic predisposition to the disease that could affect his ability to obtain insurance coverage. Declan told John that he did not think that was possible, but the patient was wheeled away before he could explain why. John plans to ask a colleague about this.
In one month, Declan has a paper due for one his classes on a health topic of his choice. By then, he will have had many interactions with patients he can use as examples. He will be pleased to give credit to John by name for inspiring him to think more carefully about genetic testing.
Although Declan’s day ended with many Questions, he was pleased about his new position.
Based on the scenario, what is the most likely way Declan’s supervisor would answer his question about the hospital’s use of a billing company?


WebTracker Limited is a cloud-based online marketing service located in London. Last year, WebTracker migrated its IT infrastructure to the cloud provider AmaZure, which provides SQL Databases and Artificial Intelligence services to WebTracker. The roles and responsibilities between the two companies have been formalized in a standard contract, which includes allocating the role of data controller to WebTracker.
The CEO of WebTracker, Mr. Bond, would like to assess the effectiveness of AmaZure’s privacy controls, and he recently decided to hire you as an independent auditor. The scope of the engagement is limited only to the marketing services provided by WebTracker, you will not be evaluating any internal data processing activity, such as HR or Payroll.
This ad-hoc audit was triggered due to a future partnership between WebTracker and SmartHome – a partnership that will not require any data sharing. SmartHome is based in the USA, and most recently has dedicated substantial resources to developing smart refrigerators that can suggest the recommended daily calorie intake based on DNA information. This and other personal data is collected by WebTracker.
To get an idea of the scope of work involved, you have decided to start reviewing the company’s documentation and interviewing key staff to understand potential privacy risks.
The results of this initial work include the following notes:
* There are several typos in the current privacy notice of WebTracker, and you were not able to find the privacy notice for SmartHome.
* You were unable to identify all the sub-processors working for SmartHome. No subcontractor is indicated in the cloud agreement with AmaZure, which is responsible for the support and maintenance of the cloud infrastructure.
* There are data flows representing personal data being collected from the internal employees of WebTracker, including an interface from the HR system.
* Part of the DNA data collected by WebTracker was from employees, as this was a prototype approved by the CEO of WebTracker.
* All the WebTracker and SmartHome customers are based in USA and Canada.
Which of the following issues is most likely to require an investigation by the Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) of WebTracker?


Q47. If a multi-national company wanted to conduct background checks on all current and potential employees, including those based in Europe, what key provision would the company have to follow?


Q48. Read this notice:
Our website uses cookies. Cookies allow us to identify the computer or device you’re using to access the site, but they don’t identify you personally. For instructions on setting your Web browser to refuse cookies, click here.
What type of legal choice does not notice provide?


Q49. In what situation is the federal Privacy Commissioner authorized to proceed to federal court?


Q50. The movement toward comprehensive privacy and data protection laws can be attributed to a combination of three major factors: the need to remedy past injustices, the need to promote a digital economy and the need to ensure consistency with?


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