New Android AFD-200 Dumps & Questions Updated on 2022 [Q16-Q31]

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New Android AFD-200 Dumps & Questions Updated on 2022

Dumps to Pass your AFD-200 Exam with 100% Real Questions and Answers

Android AFD-200 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
Topic 1
  • Run your Flutter App on IPhone Device
  • Navigation and Routing a Pizza Store App
Topic 2
  • Run your Flutter App on Android Phone
  • Test Your Flutter App on iOS Phone with Windows O.S
Topic 3
  • Testing and Feedback for Your App
  • Publishing Android App on Google Play Store
Topic 4
  • Providing Constructors for Your Classes
  • Android Studio Software Prerequisite
Topic 5
  • Creating a Flutter App using BottomNavigatorBar Navigation Technique
  • CheckboxGroup and RadioButtonGroup Widgets
Topic 6
  • Dart Functions & Object-Oriented Programming
  • Installing Dart IDE and Writing Dart Program
Topic 7
  • Create a Small Overtime Payment Program
  • Introduction to Flutter and Dart Programming Language
Topic 8
  • Creating a Flutter App Using Widgets
  • RaisedButton, FlatButton, and IconButton


Q16. presentationThis question includes an image for an app interface.

Which of the following choices is correct about the widget which includes all these children widgets?


Q17. If you created a Flutter app using the Firebase services where the app users had to login to this App using Firebase user accounts (email and password), which of the following Firebase products store these app users’ accounts?


Q18. A plug-in is used to enter the date in your Flutter app interface instead of asking an app user to add it manually.
Which is of the choices below represents this definition?


Q19. Flutter widgets are the basic building blocks of a Flutter user interface. Almost everything in Flutter app is a widget such as images, icons, texts, menus, buttons, row, column etc.


Q20. How many child widgets can be added to the Container widget?


Q21. When you build a Flutter app, you can use an Android or an IPhone emulator to test your app UI (user interface ) and its work flow. But you can NOT test this app on a real Android or IPhone device before publishing your app on Apple or Google store.


Q22. Adding a Slider widget in a Flutter app interface should be used to select multiple values at the same time.


Q23. Assume that you designed a Flutter app as illustrated in the image of this question. When you tapped the
“Bottom Sheet” button, you got a bottom sheet including the text “Welcome to Android ATC”.
But, you were not able to tap the “Test Button” button in this app interface when this bottom sheet was active.

Which of the following choices about the type of this Bottom Sheet Widget is correct?


Q24. This Flutter widget is used to toggle the on/off state of a single setting. Which of the following choices represents this definition?


Q25. …………….. command checks your environment and displays a report of the status of your Flutter and Android Studio other than IDE software installation.
Which of the following choices is the correct answer to fill in the blank above?


Q26. Firebase offers two cloud-based, client-accessible database solutions. Which of the following choices is a Firebase database type?


Q27. The image in this question includes a Flutter app interface which uses three tabs to navigate the app content.

Which of the following choices is the parent widget for the TabBar and TabBarView widgets?


Q28. TextField widget allows app users to type text into an app.


Q29. As illustrated in the image in this question, to get the Text value: “Welcome” in this app interface, you may configure the Text widget as a child widget of the Container widget in the following code:

But, you should replace the XXXXXXXXX with one of the following choices. Which of the following is the best answer ?


Q30. The image in this question includes a Dart code for a Raised button widget. When the app user taps this button, the app will display the content of Screen2( ) class of this app using Navigator.push navigation technique.

To do this you should replace the xxx in this Navigator.push class with …………


Q31. You can add or import a new font to your Flutter by pasting this font file in a font folder in your Flutter project without needing to declare this font file or the font folder in the pubspec.ymal. Is this correct ?


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